• Imprint


This website is an information service of the:

Erwin Hymer Group SE
Holzstraße 19
D-88339 Bad Waldsee/GERMANY

E-Mail: info@erwinhymergroup.com
Web: www.erwinhymergroup.com

Telefon: +49 7524 999-0
Telefax: +49 7524 999-220

Registered office: Bad Waldsee
Ulm District Court, HRB 737238
Legal form: Societas Europaea (SE)

Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)

Tax Office Ravensburg (Weingarten District Office)
VAT identification number: DE 278 286 748

Representative: Alexander Leopold (Chairman), Jan Francke, Jan de Haas, Stefan Junker

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Robert Martin


Responsible for content:

Stefan von Terzi, Head of Marketing & Communications
Holzstraße 19, D-88339 Bad Waldsee


External Data Protection Officer:

Stefan Fischerkeller
German Data Protection Law Firm


Bodensee Office (Lake Constance)


The Data Protection Officer can be contacted either by e-mail: fischerkeller@deutsche-datenschutzkanzlei.de or via the following data protection website: www.deutsche-datenschutzkanzlei.de


Website design and technical support:

DGTLS GmbH (former creating-web)
Implerstraße 24
81371 Munich





Features of the Erwin Hymer Group SE service:

The object of the company is the production and sale of recreational vehicles and other products and services of the leisure industry, as well as the acquisition, disposal and administration of assets, in particular holdings in other companies of the same or similar kind in Germany and abroad, as well as the performance of business and advisory functions in the affiliated companies.

© Copyright

All rights reserved. The text, images and graphics as well as their arrangement on this website are subject to copyright and other protective legislation. The content of these websites may not be copied, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.

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